Playa Cares A.C.

Solidarity gives us strength


An initiative that began with the union of friends and neighbors of Playa del Carmen during the pandemic shut down in 2020, a time in which it was shown that there are many local Playenses, regardless of our origins, we came together for Playa del Carmen.


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Who are we?

Playa Cares es una Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro, actualmente en proceso de acreditación, nuestro objetivo es la atención a requerimientos básicos de los grupos vulnerables en Playa del Carmen en materia de alimentación, educación, capacitación para el trabajo, vivienda, atención medica preventiva y rehabilitación.

Our organization is non-partisan and does not have any affiliation to other social, governmental, or religious organizations. It is formed exclusively by volunteers, who support us in the management of various processes, campaigns, and programs in support of the Playa community.

COVID 19 Pandemic Emergency

Proudly, the first Playa Cares AC project which lasted more than 90 days where we managed to bring more than 100 daily meals to older adults in Playa del Carmen, all thanks to donations from Expats & Locales in our beautiful city. We would not have been able to achieve such a titanic task without the help of Antojitos Veracruzanos La Jarochita Restaurant and countless volunteer delivery people..

Support with basic pantry items and pet food

For 9 months after the mandatory quarantine, we managed to deliver more than 500 monthly basic pantry packages to older adults and people in severe financial need caused by job loss. All this with the incredible support of IFAW – International Fund for Animal Welfare, TUI Care Foundation ,DAC Quality Foods y VIP Rivera Maya ,in addition to dozens of volunteers who did not hesitate a second to support the cause.

Workshop – Backyard gardens

Incredible first experience in the training of volunteers for the creation of backyard gardens, without a doubt it could not have been possible without the help of the staff of the Dirección de Desarrollo Agropecuario y Pesquero of the Municipality of Solidaridad, in this first workshop, a beautiful vertical garden was created onsite of Tribu Ubuntu who are one of the great supporters of the volunteer work at Playa Cares AC.

Program – Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Watch our video in which we explain in detail the reasons and importance of this program as well as the plan and activities that we will have to be able to impact in the best way and for the benefit of women. Don't forget to click on the button I want to donate! which will take you to our donation campaign at

Time left to meet our goal








Over 10 TONS of help

During the last two years, we have managed to deliver just over 10 tons of aid vulnerable groups in almost every corner of our beloved Playa del Carmen, mainly older adults and people with different abilities.

Hundreds of people benefited

All the help that Playa Cares A.C. gives is 100% from donations from almost every corner of the world and all of it goes to the population in Playa del Carmen, we are proud to have reached the hearts of donors in places as far away as China and South Africa, without forgetting our supporters from Canada and the United States who were the backbone of our program.

"Almost all good things are born from an attitude of appreciation for others."


–  Dalai Lama.

"Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others."


– Booker T. Washington.

"If I help even one person to have hope, I will not have lived in vain.”


– Martin Luther King Jr.

"There is nothing stronger in the world than the heart of a volunteer."


– Coronel James H. Doolittle.

"Mexicans have lived through difficult experiences, but we have learned to respond in a spirit of solidarity."


– EPN – After the earthquake in CDMX in 2017.

Our Programs

From 15 Sept - 21 Dec


Empowering the Female Entrepreneur

Our most recent program, has the main objective to support local Playa women to take their businesses to the next level, through advice, mentoring, and training. We are currently in the first stage of fundraising, so please click the link below and learn more about this wonderful project.

25 October


Workshop - How to make my own compost

*Coming soon*

This workshop's main motivation is geared toward the improvement of the environment and the use of already available resources, through training on the importance of good management of biodegradable waste and the benefits of homemade compost.

Special thanks to our supporters

Would you like to help?

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